Bay Area Open Minds

San Francisco Bay Area psychotherapists and psychotherapy students who affirm that sexual, relational and gender diversity are natural expressions of the human experience.


The following studies are independent projects and papers that contribute empirical data to our body of knowledge on concepts related to non-monogamous relationships.

Adam, B. D. (2006). Relationship innovation in male couples. Sexualities, 9(1), 5–26.

Anderson,  E. (2010). ‘‘At least with cheating there is an attempt at monogamy’’: Cheating and monogamism among undergraduate heterosexual men. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships27.

Ashbee, E. (2007). Polyamory, social conservatism and the same-sex marriage debate in the US. Politics, 27(2), 101–107.

Aviram, H. (2008). Make love, not law: Perceptions of the marriage equality struggle among polyamorous activists. Journal of Bisexuality, 7(3-4), 261–286.

Barker, M., & Langdridge, D. (2010). Whatever happened to non-monogamies? Critical reflections on recent research and theory. Sexualities, 13(6), 748-772.

Barker, M. (2005). This is my partner and this is my ... partner's partner: Constructing a polyamorous identity in a monogamous world. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 18, 75-88.

Bell, D. (2006). Bodies, technologies, spaces: On ‘dogging’. Sexualities, 9(4), 387-407.

Berry, M. D., & Barker, M. (2014). Extraordinary interventions for extraordinary clients: Existential sex therapy and open non-monogamy. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 29(1), 21-30. Full text (open source only)

Bettinger, M. (2005). Polyamory and gay men: A family systems approach. Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 1(1), 97-116.

Bisson, M. a, & Levine, T. R. (2009). Negotiating a friends with benefits relationship. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(1), 66–73.

Black, D. M. (2006). Beyond Child Bride Polygamy: Polyamory, Unique Familial Construction. Journal of Law and Family Studies, 8, 497-508.

Bonello, C. (2009). Gay monogamy and extra-dyadic sex: a critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature. Counselling Psychology Review, 24(3 & 4), 51-65.

Coelho, T. (2011). Hearts, groins and the intricacies of gay male open relationships: Sexual desire and liberation revisited. Sexualities, 14(6), 653-668.

Conley, T.D., Moors, A.C., Ziegler, A., & Karathanasis, C. (2012). Unfaithful individuals are less likely to practice safer sex than openly nonmonogamous individuals. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 1559–1565.

Conley, T. D., Zeigler, A., Moors, A. C., Matsick, J. L., & Valentine, B. (2012). A Critical Examination of Popular Assumptions About the Benefits and Outcomes of Monogamous Relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 17(2), 124-141.

Deri, J. (2015). Love's Refraction: Jealousy and Compersion in Queer Women's Polyamorous Relationships. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.

De Visser, R. & McDonald, D. (2007). Swings and roundabouts: Management of jealousy in heterosexual ‘swinging’ couples. British Journal of Social Psychology, 46 (2), 459-476.

Dominus, Susan. (2017, May 5). Is an Open Marriage a Happier Marriage? New York Times Magazine. Retrieved from

Emens, E. F. (2004). Monogamy's law: Compulsory monogamy and polyamorous existence. New York University Review of Law and Social Change, 29, 277-376.

Fernandes, E. (2009). The Swinging Paradigm: An Evaluation of the Marital and Sexual Satisfaction of Swingers (Doctoral Dissertation). Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, 12.

Finn, M. & Malson, H. (2008). Speaking of home truth: (Re)productions of dyadic commitment in non-monogamous relationships. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47(3), 519-533.

Ho, P. S. Y. (2006). The (charmed). circle game: reflections on sexual hierarchy through multiple sexual relationships. Sexualities, 9(5), 547-564.

Jozifkova, E. & Konvicka, M. (2009). Sexual arousal by higher- and lower-ranking partner: Manifestation of a mating strategy?.  Journal of Sexual Medicine,  6(12), 3327-3334.

Johnston, C., & R. Deisher. (1973).  Contemporary communal child rearing: a first analysis. Pediatrics, 52(3), 319-326.

Jordan, L. S., Grogan, C., Muruthi, B., & Bermúdez, J. M. (2016). Polyamory: Experiences of Power from Without, from Within, and in Between. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 16(1), 1-19.

Kassoff, E. (1989). Nonmonogamy in the lesbian community. Women and Therapy, 8(12), 167-182.

Klesse, C. (2005). Bisexual Women, Non-Monogamy and Differentialist Anti-Promiscuity Discourses. Sexualities, 8(4),  445-464.

Klesse, C. (2006). Polyamory and its ‘Others’: Contesting the Terms of Non-Monogamy. Sexualities9(5), 565-583.

LaSala, M. (2005). Monogamy of the heart: A qualitative study of extradyadic sex among gay male couples. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 17(3), 1–24.

LaSala, M. (2004). Extradyadic sex and gay male couples: Comparing monogamous and nonmonogamous relationships. Families in Society, 85(3), 405–412.

Lehmiller, J. L. (2009). Secret romantic relationships: Consequences for personal and relational well-being. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 35(11), 452-1466.

Lenius, S. (2004). Bisexual People in a Pansexual Community. Journal of Bisexuality, 1(4), 69-78.

Messerschmidt, J. W., Connell, R., Messner, M. A., & Martin, P. Y. (Eds.). (2018). Gender Reckonings: New Social Theory and Research. New York, NY: NYU Press.

Moors, A. C., Conley, T. D., Edelstein, R. S., & Chopik, W. J. (2015). Attached to monogamy? Avoidance predicts willingness to engage (but not actual engagement) in consensual non-monogamy. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 32(2), 222-240. Full text

Morrison, T. G., Beaulieu, D., Brockman, M., & Beaglaoich, C. Ó. (2011). A comparison of polyamorous and monoamorous persons: are there differences in indices of relationship well-being and sociosexuality? Psychology & Sexuality, 4(1), 75-91.

Noël , M., J. (2006). Progressive Polyamory: Considering Issues of Diversity. Sexualities, 9(5), 602-620.

Overall, C. (1998). Monogamy, Nonmonogamy, and Identity. Hypatia: Indiana University Press Journals, 13, 1-17.

Pallotta-Chiarolli, M. (2010). Border sexualities, border families in schools. Rowman & Littlefield.

Pallotta-Chiarolli, M. (2006).  Polyparents Having Children, Raising Children, Schooling Children.  Lesbian and Gay Psychology Review, 7(1), 48-53.

Pallotta-Chiarolli, M. & Lubowitz, S. (2003). Outside Belonging: Multi-Sexual Relationships as Border Existence. Journal of Bisexuality, 3 (1), 53-85.

Rambukkana, N. (2015). Fraught intimacies: Non/monogamy in the public sphere. Vancouver, Canada: UBC Press.

Ritchie, A., & Barker, M. (2006). 'There Aren’t Words for What We Do or How We Feel So We Have To Make Them Up’: Constructing Polyamorous Languages in a Culture of Compulsory Monogamy.  Sexualities, 9(5), 584-601.

Robinson, M. (2013). Polyamory and Monogamy as Strategic Identities. Journal of Bisexuality, 13(1), 21-38.

Robinson, V. (1997). My baby just cares for me: feminism, heterosexuality and non-monogamy. Journal of Gender Studies, 6(4), 143-158.

Rubel, A. N., & Bogaert, A. F. (2015). Consensual nonmonogamy: Psychological well-being and relationship quality correlates. The Journal of Sex Research, 52(9), 961-982. Full text

Rubin, A., & Adams, J. R. (1986). Outcomes of sexually open marriages. The Journal of Sex Research, 22(3), 311-319.

Rubin, R. (2001). Alternative lifestyles revisited, or whatever happened to swingers, group marriages, and communes? Journal of Family Issues, 22, 711-727.

Salsburg, Sheldon (1973). Is group marriage viable?  Journal of Sex Research 9(4), 325-333.

Schippers, Mimi. (2017). Beyond Monogamy: Polyamory and the Future of Polyqueer Sexualities. New York, NY: NYU Press.

Sheff, E.  (2005). Polyamorous Women, Sexual Subjectivity and Power. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography34(3), 251-283.

Sheff, E. (2005). Poly-hegemonic masculinities. Sexualities, 9(5), 621-642.

Sheff, E. (2011). Polyamorous Families, Same-Sex Marriage, and the Slippery Slope. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 40, (5), 487-520.

Shernoff, M. (2006). Negotiated non-monogamy and male couples. Family Process, 45(4), 407-418.

Strassberg, M. I. (2003). The challenge of post-modern polygamy: Considering polyamory. Capital University Law Review, 439, 549-550.

Tweedy, A. E. (2011). Polyamory as a Sexual Orientation. University of Cincinnati Law Review, Vol. 79, pp. 1461.

Worth, H., Reid, A. & McMillan, H. (2002). Somewhere over the rainbow: Love, trust and monogamy in gay relationships. Journal of Sociology, 38(3), 237–253.

Wossick-Correa, K. (2010). Agreements, rules and agentic fidelity in polyamorous relationships. Psychology & Sexuality, 1(1), 44-61.

Zambrano, M. (1999). Paradigms of Polyamory. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 3(1-2), 151-155.

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