Bay Area Open Minds

San Francisco Bay Area psychotherapists and psychotherapy students who affirm that sexual, relational and gender diversity are natural expressions of the human experience.


Links to articles supporting sexual diversity:

- Kinky is Not a Diagnosis  [PDF]

- How to Choose a Kink Aware Therapist [PDF]

- Investigating bias in psychotherapy with BDSM clients [pdf]

- What Psychology Professionals Should Know About Polyamory

- Therapy Experiences of Clients with BDSM Sexualities: Listening to a Stigmatized Sexuality

- Kink therapy: SM and sexual minorities

- The Dirty Details About Sex Therapy

- Depathologizing Kink in Therapy

- Podcast: The Guide to Opening Up

- Addiction to Sex and/or Pornography: A Position Statement from the Center for Positive Sexuality (CPS), The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance (TASHRA), and the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF)

- Erickson, J.M., Slayton, A.M., Petersen, J.G. et al. Challenge at the Intersection of Race and Kink: Racial Discrimination, Fetishization, and Inclusivity Within the BDSM (Bondage-Discipline, Dominance-Submission, and Sadism-Masochism) Community. Arch Sex Behav 51, 1063–1074 (2022). 

- Critical Polyamorist Book, by Dr. Kim Tallbear

- Decolonizing Diet Culture - by Chicago Minds Institute

- Decolonizing Gender - Institute of Anti-Racist Education

- Decolonizing Gender Zine

- Decolonizing Gender- Cultural Survival Quarterly


- Decolonizing Sexuality Instagram Page by Mo Asebiomo 

- Decolonizing Sexuality Publication list by Dr. Roger Kuhn

- Sociology of Gender article by the other sociologist 

- Ethical Non-Monogamy Research Publication List by Dr. Heath Schechinger 

- Understanding Gender-  Article on Gender Spectrum

- Judith Butler & Philosophy of Gender- Article on The Conversation

- National Queer & Trans Network 


- Project Survive: Gender Studies Department at CCSF

- Think Indigenous Book by Doug Goodfeather

- Khwaja Sira & Third Gender Communities in Pakistan

- Third Gender in Ancient Iran - Haaretz Article

- Why Gender Essentialism is Flawed - Healthline Article

- Oatmeal Comic on Cognitive Dissonance

- Unsetting America & Neurodecolonization

- PBS Map of 2S, Third Gender, Gender Diverse Cultures around the World

- Cultures with Multiple Genders - Blog Post by Jamez Ahmed from Julia Schwab Therapy

- Natural History Museum: Beyond Gender, Indigenous Perspectives on Third Gender

About Bay Area Open Minds

We provide a safe haven for mental health clinicians to gather, network, support, and consult.

Our organization was founded on the values of antiracism, equity, and inclusion. 

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